RACE’s own Jake Kraft completes the 8K Seattle Torchlight race in under 38 minutes!
On July 30th RACE Charities Foundation joined its members together for the 3rd consecutive ‘Go for Glory!’ gathering at the 2011 Seattle Torchlight Run. Over a dozen runners and supporters turned out to be a part of the nearly perfect Pacific Northwest weather on an evening to remember! RACE Charities runners from the ages of 14 to 64 showed up to run hard and participate in either the 5K or 8K events. Tens of thousands of spectators lined the downtown streets of Seattle to cheer on runners as a part of the city’s Torchlight Parade and SeaFair weekend.
Congratulations go out to RACE’s own Jake Kraft for completing the 8K course in an outstanding time of 37 minutes, placing 34th in his division of over 180 competitors! Nice work Jake! The weekend capped a tremendous week for RACE Charities in Seattle and we look forward to even greater things for the Seattle area in 2012.
Cindy Gensch presents a donation check to a student at the HUTCH SCHOOL
In efforts to raise funds dedicated to advancing the art programs for a very special K-12 school in Seattle called HUTCH SCHOOL, RACE Charities Foundation formed the C.A.K.E for Charity Program. C.A.K.E stands for Cancer Affects Kids Everywhere. RACE raises the funds through cupcake sales revenue generated by Cindy Gensch’s world famous cupcakes, which are given as gifts to various businesses and offices in exchange for requested donations. Thus far, C.A.K.E for Charity has become quite successful from the start and was pleased to present a donation check to the Fred Hutch School on July 29th, 2011. We here at RACE Charities are very excited about the Program and are dedicated to working hard to raise additional funds for this very special school which educates kids battling cancer as well as the siblings of kids and families being treated for cancer at the nearby Cancer Care Alliance. More information about the Hutch School can be found by visiting www.hutchschool.org
Gary Gensch presents Dr. William Grady with a donation check
On July 31st, RACE Charities Foundation was pleased to present Dr. William Grady of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC) with its sixth consecutive donation check. Dr. Grady’s world-renowned research laboratory specializes in colon cancer early detection and prevention and the strides that FHCC is making in this area of science and cancer research is phenomenal. RACE Foundation members were honored to spend nearly two hours with Dr. Grady to learn about how important and useful the donated funds have gone toward advancing various projects and initiatives in the area of early detection of colon cancer.
Dr. Grady is leading the way on a nation-wide 6,000 person colon cancer study dedicated to early detection which could change the way detection methods are used and equate to major breakthroughs and progress in the very near future! We are very excited about this and will provide more details about the study on this RACE Charites website very soon!
We were also pleased to see Glory’s name on the HONOR WALL of donors and donating organizations (RACE Charities) who achieve a higher level of gross donations to the Center (see photo) as well as the newly installed Memory Brick in honor of Glory Gensch, which will forever be a part of the famous Fred Hutch Courtyard. The Brick reads: